Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Two days...

Well, here we are, 2 days until Gracie's first birthday. A monumental moment in the life of a child. She stood on her own, without holding on, yesterday... Almost made me cry. She's getting so big, it's fantastic and completely horrifying at the same time. She loves to play peek-a-boo and giving high-fives... (Her peek-a-boo consists of putting her hand to her ear and tapping it... Unless she's nursing, then she puts her hand to her eyes! it's just too adorable.) She loves to play with her big sister, and will mimic her with anything she can. She's just a big ball of giggles and is saying mommy and daddy and papa already!

Skylar is talking so much more now! Just today she had speech therapy and told the lady, "I have to go pee pee" and "I need to brush my teeth." Apparently, I wasn't doing a good enough job with brushing her teeth. Haha. She enjoys being the boss and telling other kids what to do, "Sissy, stop! No!" (No, we did not teach her sissy... Oh joy.) and, "no! stop! down!" We are raising a leader... *cough*

Skylar is also pointing out colors and such now... She counts items ("2 shoes... 1 book") and just loves when we sing and dance together. Her new favorite word is, "WHAT??" and she does very well saying it. hahaha.

They are both enjoying getting away from me in the afternoon. They get to go play with Ms. Sharon while I'm at work, and some days they don't cry when I leave! That in itself is a major feat! Still no waving to me and going off to play... But I can deal with that. It makes me feel good that they don't want to completely get rid of me, yet.

Skylar has pretty much given up her nap now... and we had to take one from gracie, so she would sleep through the night... this leaves less cleaning time for me. (i guess i COULD clean while they're playing, but who wants to do that???)

it's bathtime! oh joy... splishing and splashing sure is fun as a child, but the aftermath is horrid.